
Monday, July 18, 2011

Mea Culpa!

For those of you who don't know what this phrase means, it means "My Mistake" or "My Fault."

While at home this weekend my mom, sister and I were running around all over the place doing errands.

Every time we left the house, I couldn't help but notice the neighbors across the street were also getting some chores done around the house.  Their laundry. 

Now, while I'm all for hang drying my clothes (majority of my pants and nice shirts), grandma panties is taking it to a whole new level. My mom told me NOT to take the picture because they might see me the first time we left the house, but after leaving for the second time that day I just couldn't resist. My mistake that I took someone's grandma panties for granted.  They were just hanging there minding their own business and there I was snapping away!

So be careful when you choose what you want to hang on your clothing line. Someone like me who sees this as an opportune time to take a photo may display it for all to see, especially because I have a weird sense of humor and thought this was just too funny to pass up.


Thank you for letting me know what you think!