This is where it gets weird. Our friend Kelly found this wine tasting class through the community college. The description went a little like this:
"Anyone can spend $20 and get a decent bottle of wine. The trick lies in spending $5 or less for a decent bottle of wine. Join artist Linister in his studio where he will share some of his favorite in-expensive wines. Fruit, cheese, and bread complete the evening."
Seems intriguing, right?
We pulled up to this place was a loft looking thing and were already a bit concerned when we noticed the neighborhood looked a little less than safe (that is an understatement). We then proceeded to walk into the "classroom" which so happened to be in this shady living room. There were painting of naked people, crap literally EVERYWHERE, a skeleton bride, thousands of corks in boxes, random kids toys displayed on this dining room table where nine of my girlfriends and I sat with three other random people.
Simply looking around made us all laugh. Was this really happening???? Where were we??? I even turned to my friend Kelly who set it up and asked if this was her way of letting us know she hated us :)
While the wine was pretty good and the greatest thing we learned was where to go to find cheap wine nearby, the experience alone was worth the $24.
So thank you Kelly and friends for a great night out. Something that otherwise would have been one of the creepier things I've ever done turned into a hilarious memory!
Please excuse the pictures, some are mine and some are my friend LV's and it was hard to catch the room in it's best light.

You're so welcome Laura just let me know when you guys want me to set something else up again... I think bride skeletons should be a must decoration for every party we have!