
Monday, April 4, 2011

Happy Birthday to ME

As some of you may or may not know.  Today was my birthday! The big 2-6.

In the years past we got our birthday's off from work, sort of like a free vacation day that doesn't count against any of our vacation.  This year they decided to do away with that policy and take on other random holidays which are equally as good, but of course when it hits my birthday I'm wishing I had the day off!

The best part about having a birthday on a work day is the fact all my co-workers/friends bring in treats when we celebrate birthdays.  I was up to my ears in yummy food that I stuffed in my mouth all day long, and was given some beautiful flowers!

After work I headed to dinner and a movie with my girlfriends.  We saw "The Adjustment Bureau" which was pretty good, a little cheesy at moments, but kept my attention.

All and all I had a fantastic birthday, aside from the fact Walt is not here to celebrate with me.  He's watching the practice round of The Masters which I GUESS is sort of a big deal :)

I got me some great gifts to boot too! Check out one of them here.  I guess my family and friends know me pretty well too because both my co-workers and my sister got me a camera strap from PaisleyPeepers.  Check them out here (co-workers) and here - the red rose camera strap (my sister Katie), both of which will go perfectly with my two cameras I've been taking all my pictures with!


  1. Happy Birthday!!! It sounds like you had a great one!


  2. Happy (belated) Birthday! While it stinks you had to work, it certainly sounds like your co-workers and friends made it a fun day!

  3. Hope you had a great birthday!!! <3

  4. Thank you for the birthday wishes!


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