This is IT! The last wedding of 2011! The Shaw wedding came and went SO fast!
The BF and I flew into KC late on Friday night, went to Angela and Matt's wedding Saturday, watching the Chiefs vs. Broncos Sunday and boom... here I am sitting on the couch like it didn't even happen!
The weekend FLEW by! I had so much fun seeing all my old co-workers/friends, it really made me miss Kansas City. Having that commodore of having friends in the office every single day is VERY different than being in a car driving from place to place by yourself all day.
Instead of getting into the nitty gritty details I typically splurge over, I am going to give you my favorite moments of Angela's big day.
- When Carrie and I went to go see her while she got her makeup done in the hotel. It was the first time I'd seen Ang in over two months and even with just her hair done and no make-up she looked beautiful. It was such a great feeling being there with her and seeing how excited she was for the wedding.
- Watching Matt (groom) walk up and down the aisle at least four times getting someone new every time. It looked like a work out! Not only would I have been sweating because of the big day all that walking would have worn me out!
- Ang laughing throughout the ceremony because she was so happy, it made me smile!
- When they went to put the rings on each other both times, they had a hard time finding the right finger and everyone started to laugh.
- Ang walking down the aisle talking to people like she was just walking down the hall at work. She is ALWAYS so friendly and smiling!
- Seeing ALL of my favorite co-workers from my last job. It was so fun to catch up and feel in the loop again.
- When Ang and Matt were eating their cake from each other Matt was gentle and didn't get any cake on Angela's face, and Angela said you're being too nice and tried to smash it into his face!
- The fact that the bride and groom were drinking Natty Light at their wedding - gotta love them!
- Her table numbers. Each number represented something. i.e. There was no table 2, there was a 1.6 instead which was the distance between their house.
- The DANCINGGGGGG!!!! Especially Danielle and Angela's private dance.
- The fact that their photographer was there until the very end. Of all 8 weddings I've been to this is the only one that had the photographer there the entire time. That WILL happen at my wedding! I once asked a photographer why they all left at 10 pm, his response was that the pictures all start looking the same. I beg to differ. I get the FUNNIEST pictures and the ones that are my favorite towards the very end!
- Slumber party at Carrie's house! We thought we'd all be up all night and we got home to have the boys do a night cap and Carrie and I ran and put our PJs on! Guess the wedding really took it out of us!

Me with the bride and groom |
Carrie, Matt, Danielle Dance Party! |
Walt dancing |
Kristin and Matt dancing - HILARIOUS! |
Our Table - #18 - Day in June 2010 that Matt took Angela to Record Bar to see her first summer breeze show. |
The beautiful wedding cake! |
Yes I know these pictures are a little out of order of the events - but oh well ;) Enjoy!
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These are really fun and "candid" shots. You take beautiful pictures.
ReplyDeleteHAHA, Natty Light! Classic! I have many blurry memories thanks to drinking one too many of those in college! Lovely photos! I love weddings!