
Thursday, November 10, 2011

Awkward & Awesome Week

You can say that again. Do you ever have those weeks where you just feel "off?" That is how the past week has felt like.  I don't know if it's because of daylight savings time or the full moon, who knows.  All I know is I am ready for this week to be over and Friday to be here!


  • Repetitively having to go to Starbucks EVERY day for my job.  No... I don't work there, I just buy drinks frequently as part of my job! 
  • Going to Kona this weekend for the first time since I've been in Denver I had no idea where the bathroom was and walked to the bar to ask which way to the bathroom.  This young guy proceeds to tell me it's right through those double doors which didn't look like bathroom doors at all, but considering he was an employee I figured I should trust him.  I pull the doors open to find the room with a ton of equipment.  The kid told me to walk into a closet because he thought it would be funny and "he just couldn't resist" according to him.  Weirdo!
  • When I asked someone at work how I could get them to remember something, he said you'll come up with something.  Result: Me saying that I would do a song and dance to help him remember. Not only did I say I would, I did it right then and there.
  • Calling the BF to surprise him at work and told him to come downstairs to then realize I was still 5 minutes away because I went to the wrong place! Not so much a surprise is it?!
  • Only one day of work left, and then I leave for KC for my final wedding (#8) of 2010!!! 
  • Doing Canvas & Cocktails for the first time, and definitely not the last time this past weekend
  • Packing for my KC trip and didn't over think anything in my suitcase.  Pretty sure that is a first, and pretty sure I'll end up forgetting something
  • Getting my very first coffee maker as a welcome gift from the BF's parents.  I can choose to put hot chocolate, hazelnut flavored coffee, ANY kind I want EVERY morning without spending $4+ at Starbucks!!! Now that is AWESOME!
  • My friend Carrie got engaged this past weekend!!! Congrats Carrie! Can't wait for our slumber party this weekend.

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