
Sunday, July 17, 2011

One BIG Happy Family

After showing you this picture need I say more?

From Left to Right: Beau (Mom's), Enzo (Katie's), Max (Mom's), Harley (Katie's)
These are the four perpetrators that torture Mia every time I come to Tulsa. How perfect would it have been if I  could squeeze Mia in there?

Taking this picture was quite the task.  Getting four dogs to sit close enough and look normal for long enough to take a picture is MUCH harder than one would think.  I had my sister, Katie, standing over me holding dog treats.  Max and Beau had zero idea what the word sit meant, so they usually stood on their back two paws begging for the treats, while Harley observed the other three dogs looking stupid for believing they would actually get the treat BEFORE the picture, and Enzo running off every five minutes.

The result.  My idea of perfection of a family dog portrait.


  1. I think that picture is perfection! :)

  2. Wow, great shot! I can barely get one dog to sit for a picture!



Thank you for letting me know what you think!