To have a sister that graduated the school of nursing at OU with honors! This past weekend I was quite the busy bee. I dashed to Tulsa Friday to have a fun dinner/night with my mom. Woke up early Saturday, got dressed and headed to Oklahoma City to go meet up with Katie before graduation and getting a little shopping time in. Then headed to Norman where Katie's graduation ceremony was held in a hotel.... that seemed a bit odd and much different than my KU graduation.... but nonetheless exciting to watch my sister walk across the stage to get her diploma and cheer her on! On Sunday I made my way back to Tulsa where I ended up staying an extra night to spend some much needed time with my mom and then off to KC at 6 a.m. this morning... MAN am I glad to be sitting on my bedroom floor knowing I don't have to travel for another three weeks.
But back to bragging about Katie ;) Katie just got offered a job at the OU Medical Center in OKC. Her first big girl job!!! She is really hoping that the hospital in Chicago she interviewed with gives her an offer as well... but for now. Being employed is her biggest priority and she did it! WAHOO! Now off to the real world...
Sweet little Katie - That's Nurse Katie to you ;) |
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Awww, pretty Katie!! Congrats!!!